Friday, August 25, 2006

Random Site of the Day

Sometimes, at work, I kill hours by randomly looking through other blogs on blogger. Today I came across

Proyecto RAÍZ

which was pretty left wing stuff. I suggest running it through Altalvista's babelfish and having yourself some revolutionary party.

1 comment:

Clarity's Dad said...

Wow! Now you need an Altavista translator, consider the following statement (translated by Babelfish):

Miercoles 16 of August occurred to know the news that the positions moved away, in spite of to have reached agreement in several aspects, coverall with regard to questions medulares of the petitionary one as they are it the benefits in health, education and vacations.

Not knowing what to do with that statement I decided to put it through another translator, The Dialectizer. Here is the statement in jive:

Miercoles 16 uh August occurred t'know de news dat da damn posishuns moved away, in spite uh to gots reached agreement in several aspects, coverall wid regard t'quesshuns medulares uh de petishunary one as dey is it da damn benefits in heald, educashun and vacashuns.

Much more understandable, wouldn't you say!