Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Auf Wiedersehn, Friends......

so thanks to you all for helping us on our way to higher education, and helping me wrap up the condo paradise lifestyle to which I had become overly accustomed. please know that our english doorstep, made from hand cut stones of centuries old british bedrock, is always open to you. we might even let you inside.

we hope you all the best in the upcoming cold, wet, dark months...and that the Ullr is good to you. Send the Christmas Chute my regards.

blogged from the crappy part of ted stevens international.


Clarity's Dad said...

Good luck with your latest adventures and studies, perhaps if Sarah is elected we will see a Palin addition to the airport to replace that old crappy terminal. Oh well, you don't care since you're leaving the country, lucky bastard. Have fun.

Anonymous said...

Best of luck mi amigos! You leaving makes me a little less sorry for getting a job in Colorado. One less person (two when Vicki is there!)to miss if I were still commuting to AK. Take care and sat hi to Moses when he gets there!
