Monday, March 30, 2009

How High's the Lava Mama?

I've been thinking a bit about this whole erupting volcano thing and the fact that there is 6 million gallons of oil stored near it's base and I decide to write the Coast Guard as kind of a heads up.  The captain of the port is Mark Hamilton, his email address and my letter follows:

Hello Mark,
It has come to my attention that Chevron has 6 million gallons of oil sitting at the base of a volcano. I should like very much if the Coast Guard was involved in an effort to safeguard this oil and or prepare for the unlikely event of it's release. It is very possible that you are already attending to this matter. If so please send me an email and or YouTube video of your current efforts. Please note that "We're working on it" is not an adequate response.

Thank you for your time on this matter, 6 million gallons of oil seems like a lot to me. I calculated that I could heat my home for 20,000 years with that much oil, or nearly 10,000 years if my girlfriend sets the thermostat.

Thanks again,

Johnny G

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for giving the important information......

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