Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Caption Contest

Angela's 31st was well celebrated this year with the usual array of hi-jinks and sculduggery. I submit these photos for captioning to the blogging public- and we just broke the 1,000 viewer mark so remember Girdwoodians, the world is watching...


Anonymous said...

Yo no sé por qué este tequila tiene tanta cabeza, pero maldita sea seguro es salado, delicioso!!

Papa Dude said...

Alright just for the record...for all you family members and friends that are somewhat shocked and shamed by this photo of Philip (compliments of his "friend" Extremely John G)He is not of Latin decent, nor was he drinking from the Huredously large bottle of Jose Cuervo. All readers should think hard and remember that Philip cannot stand even the smell of Tequilla let alone a jug "O" plenty. He can however often be found wrapped warmly in a serape.

Johnny G said...

Well Party Dude, that was a pretty elaborate defense for someone who is supposedly so innocent, that sure is a big smile though. I find it ironic that the man in the sombrero feels a need to defend himself, while the man with the tortured expression and a shot in his hand remains irreproachably silent.

Mr. Yezbick said...

i am still just amazed at how great my hair looks.

Jason said...

I agree, that's some super freaky voodoo '70s hair.