Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Someone Needs a ComfortSAC

First, is there a limit on how many posts you can create in a day? I'm jumping right in without reading any directions, as I often do with things. I'm just so excited.

Hi, I'm vernon and I have a rather large comfortSAC that needs a good home. I've recently made the decision to move away from this beautiful wonderland of pot holes and dog poo called Girdwood, mainly because of the influx of YUPPIES but also because the owner of The Chalet is bumping up the rent price to 700 bones. That's not a real reason, just thought I'd throw it out there because it's CRAZINESS. The place is tiny and has no bathroom door. But I like it and am sad to be moving, sad that I'm leaving the Wood but excited to read about the goings on of this town on the move, all the way from the backwoods of New York.

ANYHOO, I have a large kooshy sampling of the latest and greatest invention to hit the relaxation, comfort and style circuit since....since....beanbags. I was hoping to let someone borrow this whilst I am away fiddling and squealing with my Deliverance buddies in NY. ANY TAKERS?? It's a nice SAC. There's only one requirement for SAC take-over pets. Sorry Mark. I love Moses.


Mama Meeshell said...

Vern- we would be happy as clams to try out the latest and greatest in comfort. We have no pets and except for the occasional barn yard animal, we don't expect to have any pets anytime soon. Sooo, if you wanna leave that bad boy with us we will be happy to sit on it.

Johnny G said...

Nice SAC Vern, why couldn't you leave a couch behind instead? That would be convenient, and as for the no pets clause, get over yourself dude, what's wrong with hair on your SAC?