Thursday, February 23, 2006

Bode Who?

Local Girdwood Girlie Rosey Fletcher made good on her final Olympics debut tonight as she brought home the Bronze medal in super-fast snowboarding to Girdwood. The medal will be melted down when she returns home and turned into a small, automated statuette in her likeness at the Post Office. It will gently slalom back and forth on its miniature snowboard when the wind blows through her bronze hair. Either that or she will hang the medal on her wall...

From Fox News, the only REAL news:

"Unlike the other two times, I was a dark horse, and I prefer being the dark horse," Fletcher said.

Fletcher became the first U.S. woman to climb an Olympic podium in a discipline that combines American-invented snowboarding with old-style racing through gates. Because of that, Tom Kelly, the longtime U.S. ski and snowboard team communications director, now must live up to a promise he made to Fletcher back in 1999, when he told her he'd dye his hair blue if she registered a podium finish in the Olympics.

Whatever- Mark already did that, but that's beside the point, NICE JOB ROSEY!!!


Anonymous said...

they are throwing her a party at the musky on Thursday night.

Johnny G said...

I think the ADN has something against the poor girl, they describe her as "elfin with a kittenish smile." WTF? Since when do kittens smile? That is creepy, and her front page winning podium shot made her look like a complete ass, for the love of god, how many times does one get to be on the front page of one's own paper with an Olympic Bronze Medal? And one other thing- if she's from Girdwood why is her first stop the damn Egan Center, last time I checked that was in Anchorage...40 treacherous minutes away...